The Teacher Leadership Certification Program/Teacher Leadership Certification-Only is designed to prepare and develop the capacity for teachers to serve in various teacher leadership roles (i.e. instructional coaching, chairing academic departments, providing professional learning opportunities, building a school culture of continuous improvement, and becoming change agents).
This 18-hour GaPSC certification program will enable experienced teachers, who have a graduate degree in a discipline other than Teacher Leadership, to plan and lead professional development; mentor and coach other teachers; align curriculum, instruction, and assessment; model best teaching practices; analyze data and collaborate with all stakeholders to improve student learning.
Successful completion of the courses listed in the certification-only program will make students eligible for a S-5 Service Certificate in Teacher Leadership from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC).
This program is a part of the Clarice C. and Leland H. Bagwell College of Education.
Department of Educational Leadership
580 Parliament Garden Way,
食色视频, GA 30144
Phone: 470-578-4377