New User QuickStart

Case: You are tired of putting sticky notes on your lab computer that say 鈥渓eave machine on, job in progress鈥 and your laptop hard drive is full. You need to consider using the 食色视频 HPC.

  • Note: Faculty can request their own accounts or can sponsor accounts for students.
  • Install the global protect vpn client from .



    Note: A VPN connection is required to access the HPC for both on and off-campus users.

  • Launch Self Service app to install to your settings.

    In your top menu bar, use the globe icon to click 鈥楥onnect鈥.

  • In the connection settings of Global Protect, add

    In you system tray, use the globe icon to click 鈥楥onnect鈥.

  • Mac: Launch Cyberduck and 鈥極pen Connection鈥 with the SFTP protocol. ()

    Server: Port: 22
    Username: your_netid
    Password: your_netid_password
    08/22: There is a DUO authentication step required. ()

    Win: Launch Bitvise SFTP session.

    Server: Port: 22
    Username: your_netid
    Password: your_netid_password
    Note: If asked to accept a private key, click 'Yes' to trust host. 
    08/22: There is a DUO authentication step required.
    (1 - Duo push, 2 - Phone call)

  • Mac:  Launch

    At the prompt, enter 鈥榮sh 测辞耻谤冲苍别迟颈诲蔼丑辫肠.办别苍苍别蝉补飞.别诲耻鈥
    08/22: There is a DUO authentication step required.

    Win: Launch Power Shell

    At the prompt, enter 鈥榮sh 测辞耻谤冲苍别迟颈诲蔼丑辫肠.办别苍苍别蝉补飞.别诲耻鈥
    08/22: There is a DUO authentication step required. ()

  • Once logged in, your session will begin on a login node

    Note: Do not test your code or run cpu intensive applications on the login node.

    Use the 鈥榠nteract鈥 script to reserve a 1 compute node for your own use for an hour.

    $ interact   

    To request more time (8 hour max) and more nodes (Ex. 2)

    $ interact -t 8:00:00 -n 2

    For all the options, $ interact -help

    Note: once your testing is complete, exit your interact session before submitting your qsub reservation.

    $ exit

  • #!/bin/bash
    #PBS -N your_script_name
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
    #PBS -m abe
    #PBS -M

    JOBID=`echo #PBS_JOBID | cut -f1 -d.`


    exit 0

  • $ qsub my_script.pbs
  • $ cat your_results.file
  • $exit