Architecture Thesis Student Receives Scholarship from Society of Building Science
Educators (SBSE)
Architecture Thesis Student Receives Scholarship from Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE)
Nov 18, 2019
Architecture thesis student, Asbiel Samaniego received funding from the Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE) to attend the North American Passive House Conference, which meets in Washington, D.C from December 6 – 7, 2019. The Passive House Institute US, Inc. (PHIUS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to developing and promoting North American passive building standards, practices, and certifications for buildings, professionals, and products to create structures that are durable, resilient, comfortable, healthy, and super energy efficient. Asbiel’s thesis entitled THE [HYDRO-GEN] CELL_A Hydroponic, Regenerative, Modular System For Optimized Vertical Farming explores advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics. He plans to implement these technologies to create a hybrid building system that is able to micromanage the interior environment, while at the same time, control and regulate its immediate surroundings. Along with primary advisor, Dr. Aash Soleimani, Asbiel plans to incorporate what he learns from the PHIUS conference into his thesis research. [photo by: Huy Ho]. To learn more, please visit .