Why We Love Montepulciano

Montepulciano is nestled in the heart of the Vino di Noble wine region, built on a narrow tufa limestone ridge lies the largest hill town in southern Tuscany. Besides the spectacular view of rich green rolling hills lined with grape vineyards that fade into the mountains, this Renaissance town offers a historic, artistic and natural authenticity that captivates the hearts of its visitors. 

About the city

is said to have been established in the 6th century by inhabitants from the Chiusi region who were fleeing the Barbarian invasions. The town was referred to as Mons Politianus in the first documented reports of the town, which explains why the residents are referred to as Poliziani. The town was frequently contested by the Florentines and the Sienese for control of the land due to its strategic location, which overlooks the Val d'Orcia on one side and the Val di Chiana on the other. 
The Piazza Grande is Montepulciano's heart and home to many of the city's biggest events, including the annual Bravio delle Botti barrel-racing championship, festivals, and markets. Follow any of Montepulciano鈥檚 narrow side streets, and you are likely to come to an expansive view of the Val D鈥橭rcia (a UNESCO heritage site) and the Val D鈥機hiana. The fertile land and rolling green hills are the perfect environment for the famed Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, as well as pastures for sheep, which make delicious Pecorino cheese. Sunsets in summer fill the sky bright colors as if you stepped into a painting. At night, Montepulciano鈥檚 streets are peaceful and traffic free.  

What is Montepulciano known for?

Montepulciano is well-known for its excellent red wine production. Their Vino Nobile di Montepulciano is one of Italy's most popular wines and is made from the local Sangiovese grape. The tufa limestone below the town creates the perfect conditions for fermenting wine, which is why many local cantinas are carved underground. In addition to wine, Montepulciano produces fresh local honeys, Pecorino cheese, pici pasta, cured meats, ceramic art, silver jewelry and copper goods.  

Major Events

  • Bravio delle Botti is the historical reenactment that is most characteristic of Montepulciano. By rolling 80-kilogram barrels uphill, the eight Contrada compete for a painted cloth (Bravo). It is held on the last Sunday in August in honor of San Giovanni Decollato, Montepulciano's patron saint. 
  • The Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte (International Art Workshop) is an annual international summer school and musical festival for young singers, actors, musicians, conductors and composers. It was set up in Montepulciano, Italy, in 1976 by Hans Werner Henze. Several works received their world premieres at the festival. 

  • The term "bruscello" refers to a large tree limb adorned with ribbons, bells, flowers, and fruits. This tradition was reintroduced by Bruscello Poliziano, a drama performed outdoors on August 15th.  The play is usually based on historical events that took place in Montepulciano. 

  • Every year between March and April, this festival celebrates Easter and features music in beautiful locations such as churches, theaters, and old palaces such as Palazzo Contucci. 

What makes us feel welcome?

People in Montepulciano are known to be extremely welcoming to us since we became a member of their community in 1999. Our programs would not be possible without the generosity of local hosts who allow our students to stay in their apartments and assist throughout their stay. Each week, students are treated to a comforting family-style Tuscan meal through our partners at Trattoria di Cagnano. Also, while it may be uncomfortable to be in a new culture at first, students often find that locals are familiar with our university and appreciate when students try to communicate in the local language or show interest in their products. In general, Montepulciano is a safe place where students can learn, explore, and interact with community members without the stress of a big city environment.  

Why should I go to Montepulciano? 

Montepulciano has a distinct, though charming, ambiance. You can tell they are a close-knit community with a strong cultural heritage. The people, the food, the language, the art, and the customs distinguish this town from others. If you want to learn about and experience a different culture, this is the place to go. Even though it is a small town, there is always something new to learn.