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  • Lexie Thrasher

    From the salon to the lab, chemistry student shines at ʳɫÊÓƵ State

    March 27, 2024

    While nursing sore feet stemming from her long shifts working as a hairdresser, Lexie Thrasher got a lesson in chemistry. She was captivated by a presentation on the chemistry behind the colors used in hair dye, which she found more interesting than her day job. From the hard floors of the salon, Thrasher would find her way to ʳɫÊÓƵ, where that lesson led her to seek a chemistry degree and conduct prize-winning research in assistant professor Mohammad Halim’s laboratory.

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  • Heather Koopman

    Academic leader, researcher named dean of ʳɫÊÓƵ State's College of Science and Mathematics

    February 16, 2024

    ʳɫÊÓƵ has named accomplished researcher and physiologist Heather Koopman as dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, effective July 1. Koopman, who comes to ʳɫÊÓƵ with two and a half decades’ experience in academia, was named dean following a national search. Koopman currently serves as the chair of the Department of Biology and Marine Biology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

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  • Ra’Nya Malone

    Sophomore biochemistry major excels at ʳɫÊÓƵ State

    January 09, 2024

    The combination of a high school English essay assignment, a love of science and having an aunt who is a scientist led Ra’Nya Malone to major in biochemistry at ʳɫÊÓƵ. She joined Carl Saint-Louis’ laboratory her first semester, she has co-authored a published paper in a prestigious journal, she spent summer 2023 in a National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates, and she has presented her research at ʳɫÊÓƵ’s Symposium of Student Scholars.

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  • NIH grant

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State receives $2 million grant to boost doctoral education

    November 28, 2023

    Weeks after finishing his undergraduate degree in biology, Tyler Hill opened his email to a notice of a master’s degree program at ʳɫÊÓƵ that would serve as a stepping stone to a doctoral degree. The email told him about the Peach State Bridges to the Doctorate Program at ʳɫÊÓƵ State. Hill’s success highlights the effectiveness of the Bridges program. Thanks to stories like Hill’s, the program recently received a new five-year training grant renewal worth $2 million from the National Institutes of Health, with professors Melanie Griffin, Martin Hudson, and Kojo Mensa-Wilmot serving as co-principal investigators on the renewal.

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  • Carol Chrestensen

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State professor receives grant to study enzymes linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer

    November 13, 2023

    A decade-long effort to study protein and enzyme binding could be the key to understanding and preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer. Equipped with a three-year, $405,650 grant from the National Institutes of Health, ʳɫÊÓƵ professor Carol Chrestensen will further investigate the binding process with the help of undergraduate researchers.

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  • Jianming Wen

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State playing role in making super-fast quantum computing a reality

    October 23, 2023

    In what could provide a significant boost for national defense, ʳɫÊÓƵ State associate professor Jianming Wen is working to create a building block of a new form of computing that is faster and more secure than today’s best supercomputers. To help build and equip his laboratory, Wen has received a $796,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to expand study of the physics of quantum computing, making ʳɫÊÓƵ one of 22 universities receiving funds through the NSF’s $38 million ExpandQISE (Expand Quantum Information Science and Engineering) initiative.

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  • Governor

    Professors represent ʳɫÊÓƵ State at Governor's Teaching Fellows seminar

    September 25, 2023

    Two ʳɫÊÓƵ professors agree that good teachers know they can always learn something new about their craft, no matter how long they do it or how successful they’ve been at it. Professor of mathematics Ana-Maria Croicu and professor of software engineering Hassan Pournaghshband spent a week in May at the University of Georgia after being selected for the prestigious Governor’s Teaching Fellows Spring Symposium, a series of events dedicated to improving teaching skills in Georgia’s colleges and universities.

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  • IVE lab

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State immersive experience lab presents future-focused research opportunities

    September 06, 2023

    Tucked away in an unassuming room on ʳɫÊÓƵ’s campus is a device that can help researchers study black holes, better understand microscopic organisms and even learn to fly.

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  • Birla Carbon scholar

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State celebrates 10th cohort of Birla Carbon scholars

    August 28, 2023

    Senior biology student Katie Moerschel’s study on the effects of prenatal exposure to THC won the top prize on Thursday at the Birla Carbon Scholars Symposium. Now in its 10th year, the Symposium marks the completion of an intensive summer research program that allows students to apply their studies toward sponsored projects under the guidance of ʳɫÊÓƵ State faculty scholars.

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  • Brandon Carpenter

    ʳɫÊÓƵ State biology professor will create research opportunities through NIH grant

    August 24, 2023

    ʳɫÊÓƵ biology professor Brandon Carpenter was inspired to pursue a career in science because of an undergraduate research experience. With a recent grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), he’ll provide a similar experience to his students.

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