Sponsored Programs and Proposals FAQs

Our FAQs provide information for ʳɫÊÓƵ faculty and staff regarding sponsored programs and proposal submissions. It covers topics such as the definition of sponsored programs, eligibility for Principal Investigator (PI) roles, how to contact the Office of Research, finding funding opportunities, and the submission process. It also explains proposal routing, the differences between subcontracts and consultant agreements, and requirements for research involving human subjects or animals. Additionally, it addresses financial conflict of interest disclosures and offers guidance on proposal deadlines and support.



  • Sponsored programs are faculty or staff-led projects funded, or sponsored, by external entities such as federal, state, or local agencies; non-profit organizations and foundations; and for-profit companies.
  • Please consult the 
  • As soon as you have identified a funding source for your research project, please complete an Intent to Submit form.  If you have any questions, please email preaward@kennesaw.edu
  • The university subscribes to , which provides a search tool for funding opportunities. Pivot has a comprehensive search engine that can help you find funding, track opportunities, and search for calls for papers. Please contact us at researchdev@kennesaw.edu for more information and how to create a faculty profile. 
  • Yes! All proposals will need to be submitted through the Office of Research. The Office of Research will help you through the submission process and check to ensure that your proposal meets all the funding agency guidelines.  Most sponsors also require that an Authorized Organization Representative submit your proposals. Even proposals that the sponsor allows the Principal Investigator to submit the proposal still need to be submitted through the Office of Research for a full review and approval prior to submission. 
  • The Office of Research can provide the following services based on the receipt of proposal documents prior to the sponsor submission deadline.

    20 business days before 7 business days before 2 business days before
    • Surface editing support (punctuation, spelling, readability)
    • Budget development (salaries, fringe, supplies, equipment, travel etc.; relevance to project description, cost-sharing
    • Final budget, final justification, and final abstract draft to route for departmental approva
    • Final proposal for sponsored programs review and submission to sponsor


    PLEASE NOTE: If documents are received less than 24 hours prior to submission, the pre-award team will review and submit the proposal as time allows, but cannot assure successful submission of proposals

  • Routing is the process of establishing approval through the University for your proposal.  The process ensures that everyone is aware and accepts the responsibilities detailed in the grant proposal.

    • Approval is required from the Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, department chairs, and college deans.
    • All the required approvals must be obtained before the proposal can be submitted to the funding agency.
  • The primary difference is that a subcontract is almost invariably with another institution or business and a consultant agreement is almost invariably with an individual (non-ʳɫÊÓƵ employee).  Subcontractual effort usually entails a complex portion of the primary project to be performed at another institution or business.  The agreement would usually involve the other institution's full project costs, including its negotiated Indirect Cost (F&A) Rate, and come to us with a statement of work, full budget and a letter of intent to perform the assigned task should an award be made.  Subcontracts should follow the same terms and conditions as the prime award, especially if federal.  In other words, if we have a cost reimbursement prime award then the subcontract should be cost reimbursable. Consultant effort is usually limited to the performance of one activity by one individual.  Activity is generally short term or infrequent and the pay line is usually determined by the grant or contract agreement.
  • For research involving human subjects, most sponsors require the investigator to provide specific information about protection of human subjects at the time of proposal submission. However, most sponsors do not require certification of  approval or evidence of training until they are ready to recommend an application for funding.

    Similarly, proposals involving the use of vertebrate animals normally require some description of the animals, proposed procedures, care and, use; however, certification of the  approval is usually not required until the agency is considering making an award. This is known as the "just-in-time" concept. Thus, investigators should expect to describe their proposed use of human subjects or animals as part of their proposal, and should be prepared to certify that approvals are in place later, as a condition of receiving an award.

    Instructions for submitting a protocol for review can be found at .

  • Yes! ʳɫÊÓƵ complies with federal regulations ensuring that sponsored activities will not be compromised by investigators’ financial interests that could be reasonably expected to bias the design, conduct, or reporting of the research. 

    Investigators submitting proposals to the National Science Foundation, the National Institute for Justice, or any Public Health Services agencies (National Institutes of Health, Health Resources and Services Administration, or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) must disclose any significant financial interests at the time of proposal submission. The definition of a significant financial interest varies by agency. Please see the links below for the appropriate policies and definitions for your proposal and then fill out and return the corresponding forms to the Office of Research before the proposal deadline.