Creating a Healthy and Hazard-Free Campus

ʳɫÊÓƵ is committed to the health and well-being of all members of the ʳɫÊÓƵ community. A smoke/tobacco-free campus means that everyone, including guests, is free to travel and visit anywhere on campus without having to avoid potentially health-hazardous situations.


How to Quit

Current Campus Activities

For more information about current campus cessation programs:

Resources For Students On Campus

ʳɫÊÓƵ students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the ʳɫÊÓƵ Student Health Services to discuss their options for quitting with a qualified health professional. Schedule an appointment today or request more information by calling (470) 578-6644 or emailing

Resources For Staff And Faculty On Campus

For ʳɫÊÓƵ employees receiving benefits, the USG provides coverage for all over-the-counter items and prescription smoking cessation products. There is a zero $ co-pay for these smoking cessation products. All over-the-counter smoking cessation products must be physician-prescribed in order to have a zero $ co-pay. For additional information, please visit the .

External Resources


Smile Ambassadors

The Smile Approach:

  • Smile and be friendly when approaching someone on campus smoking or using a tobacco product.
  • Make the assumption that the person does not know about our policy.
  • Inform the person about our policy and resources available on campus for quitting tobacco.
  • Let them know about the policy again.
  • Enforce by asking them to respect our policy and stop smoking or using tobacco on our campus.



  • ʳɫÊÓƵ joins other University System of Georgia (USG) universities and colleges in creating a Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free university. The University System of Georgia (USG) Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy, is effective on October 1, 2014.

    The proposed ʳɫÊÓƵ Smoke-free and Tobacco-free Policy is currently under review with the University’s shared governance bodies and proposed effective date is October 1, 2014.

  • October 1, 2014
  • In March 2014, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia adopted a tobacco and smoke-free campus policy to make USG 100 percent tobacco-free, effective October 1, 2014.

    The purpose of the policy is to create a health-supporting community for everyone, tobacco users and nonusers alike. The new policy also supports the right of all people on University System campuses to breathe smoke-free air. The simple reason for our policy is respect for each other and the environment. We hope that smokers who choose to continue smoking will respect our smoke-free environment out of concern for their fellow campus community members.

  • Please visit this link for more information on the ʳɫÊÓƵ policy:


  • Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes.
  • Implementation, including enforcement, of a Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free campus at ʳɫÊÓƵ is phased as follows:

    Phase I: Implement Communications and Kick-off Activities: 08/14/2014 – 09/30/2014

    • Enforcement with a SMILE and no violation letters or tracking

    Phase II: Implement Communications and Cessation Activities: 10/01/2014 – 01/05/2015

    • Enforcement with a SMILE and no violation letters or tracking

    Phase III: Implement Full Enforcement of Violation and Enforcement Procedures: Effective 01/06/2015

    • 01/06/2015: Enforcement with a SMILE for visitors, employees, and students continues.
    • 01/06/2015: Online tool for public and internal (employee/student) reporting.
    • 03/01/2015: Enforcement ticketing begins. ($25.00 ticket per violation from a ʳɫÊÓƵ Police Officer). Fee assessments and collections will be processed similarly to parking tickets, with an equivalent appeal process.

    For additional information on enforcement procedures, please select "Procedures" on the menu bar of this page.

  • For additional information on resources to quit smoking, select "How to Quit" on the menu bar of this page.
  • The appeal process for tickets will be equivalent to the process for parking tickets and each appeal will go through a due-process by the respective student and/or faculty, staff, or visitors parking (and other citations) appeal panel(s). The following web pages provide more information on the appeals processes:

    Student Citation (Parking and Tobacco/Smoke) Appeals

Survey Results

The survey was released to campus 03/17/2016—05/11/2016.

Survey respondents included the following:

  • 69% Students
  • 31% Employees (Faculty/Staff) 

Survey respondents indicated the following:

  • 7 quit tobacco as a result of the ʳɫÊÓƵ Smoke-free and Tobacco-free Policy.
  • 92% are aware of BOR tobacco-free policy for all USG institutions.
  • 16% are smokers/tobacco users.
  • 35% are aware ʳɫÊÓƵ offers cessation programs.
  • 38% are aware they can report concerns online (ʳɫÊÓƵ Concern website).
  • 46% are aware of $25 ticketing.
  • 67% strongly agreed or agreed that the $25 ticketing that supports cessation programs is fair and reasonable. 

The survey was released to campus 04/13/2015—05/10/2015.

Survey respondents included the following:

  • 79% Students
  • 20% Employees (Faculty/Staff)
  • 01% Other

Survey respondents indicated the following:

  • 18 quit tobacco as a result of the ʳɫÊÓƵ Smoke-free and Tobacco-free Policy.
  • 98% are aware ʳɫÊÓƵ is Smoke/Tobacco-Free University.
  • 17% are smokers/tobacco users.
  • 36% are aware ʳɫÊÓƵ offers cessation programs.
  • 46% are aware they can report concerns online (ʳɫÊÓƵ Concern website).
  • 56% are aware of $25 ticketing.
  • 62% strongly agreed or agreed that the $25 ticketing that supports cessation programs is fair and reasonable.