
Earthquakes and other natural disasters create immediate need for building replacement structures to the displaced. In developing or underdeveloped countries, these structures will be permanent and easy to build without skilled labor from readily available materials. In that context, rubble houses which are made with steel wire baskets filled with loose rubble stand as a safe and sustainable alternative. 


  • Evaluate current construction techniques and propose cost-effective improvements.
  • Perform static load testing on a full-scale rubble-house.
  • Create computer models for static and dynamic analysis.
  • Make recommendations for future seismic shake table experiments.
  • Draft construction and design guidelines based on experimental and numerical findings.
  • Perform shake table tests on full-scale models.
  • Finalize design and construction guidelines.

Rubble Home Plans, Sections, Details and More

  • Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail
    Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail


    Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail
    Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail


    Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail
    Rubble Home Plans, Sections and Detail
  • Static load tests were conducted on centilever basket-beams to evaluate the stiffness of the wire basket alone. Test results showed that minor improvements to wire basket construction can lead to promising performance.

    Cantilever load testing of a triangular wall section.
    Cantilever load testing of a triangular wall section.
    A beam made from welded wire
    A beam made from welded wire with triangular cross section (Load ~ 85 kg (187 lbs), clear span=7.5 ft, max deflection ~ 4.5in).
    Using a total station to measure deflections.
    Using a total station to measure deflections.
    Using a total station to measure deflections.
    Using a total station to measure deflections.
  • Shake table tests were conducted on several scaled models and one full scale 1ft wide wall section at ATS facility in Marietta. 

    full scale wall section
    A full scale wall section was tested for consolidation on a 3ft by 3ft shake table at ATS.
    scaled wall model
    6.7 times scaled wall model tested on a 3ft by 3ft shake table under a ground motion in all three directions
  • Full-Scale Field Test Project Location

    食色视频, Marietta Campus
    Green area between Howell Hall and Atrium Building (J)

    Field Test Project Timeline

    August 18, 2011

    Construction of demonstration wall begins.


    • Wire frame baskets completed
    • Donated concrete broken into rubble of varying aggregate size, then dumped into baskets to create wall structure
    wire frame baskets
    wire frame baskets
    wire frame baskets
    wire frame baskets

    August 19, 2011


    • Demonstration Wall almost completed; still needs some more rubble and cement cover
    • Temporary fencing set in place at project site for house construction


    demonstration wall
    demonstration wall
    demonstration wall
    demonstration wall



    August 23, 2011


    • Foundation has been dug out. Rubble and cement to be filled in tomorrow
    Foundation build
    Foundation build
    Foundation build
    Foundation build




    August 24, 2011 and August 25, 2011


    • Rubble samples collected for performing strength tests
    • Foundation formed using rubble and concrete
    foundation build
    foundation build
    foundation build
    foundation build
    foundation build
    foundation build


    August 26, 2011 - August 27, 2011 and August 29, 2011


    • Concrete placed to continue forming foundation
    • Rubble Baskets constructed from welded wire mesh and chicken wire netting
    concrete placement
    concrete placement
    concrete placement
    concrete placement

    August 30, 2011 and August 31, 2011


    • Cement mixer used to help make concrete, speeding the process to complete foundation
    • Baskets for three walls were anchored along foundation with wood framing. Rubble is ready for placement


    Cement mixer used to help make concrete, speeding the process to complete foundation
    Cement mixer used to help make concrete, speeding the process to complete foundation
    Cement mixer used to help make concrete, speeding the process to complete foundation
    Cement mixer used to help make concrete, speeding the process to complete foundation

    September 1, 2011 and September 2, 2011


    • Rubble filled into wire baskets for 3 of 4 walls


    Rubble filled into wire baskets
    Rubble filled into wire baskets
    Rubble filled into wire baskets
    Rubble filled into wire baskets



    September 7, 2011


    • More rubble brought to site (to fill final wall) along with large I-beams (for testing equipment)
    • Basket for final wall secured in place


    Rubble filled into wire baskets
    More rubble brought to site (to fill final wall
    More rubble brought to site (to fill final wall
    More rubble brought to site (to fill final wall

    September 8, 2011


    • Rubble filled in all four walls
    • Placement of concrete finish (stucco) has begun
    • ATS has begun assembling the loading frame


    Rubble filled in all four walls
    Rubble filled in all four walls
    Rubble filled in all four walls
    Rubble filled in all four walls


    Rubble filled in all four walls
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure

    September 12, 2011 - September 17, 2011


    • Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    • ATS completes construction of loading frame with hydraulic jack equipment
    • Parts for displacement frame and gages assembled


    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure


    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure
    Concrete added to cover rubble and mesh on building structure


    September 19, 2011


    • Wall demolitions were conducted for the public, as demonstrated in the following videos.
    • Unreinforced concrete masonry showed extensive brittle failure when hit with the battering ram. The ram was only able to puncture holes in the "rubble wall", causing localized failure on the outer surface

    Initial tests on static loading were conducted. Two hydraulic jacks were fixed to each wall corner. Each was loaded in increments from 100 psi to 790 psi. Displacement/deflection were recorded using: Displacement gage frame (homegrown), Video camera footage, Manual surveying techniques, and 3D point cloud scanner (laser scanning)

    Initial tests on static loading were conducted
    Initial tests on static loading were conducted
    Initial tests on static loading were conducted

    September 23, 2011


    • Further static load testing was conducted
    • Hydraulic jack placed to apply loads to center of the wall


    Further static load testing was conducted
    Further static load testing was conducted
    Further static load testing was conducted
    Further static load testing was conducted
    Further static load testing was conducted

    September 28, 2011


    • Triangular rubble column subjected to sag test to measure potential deflection from rubble weight


    Triangular rubble column subjected to sag test
    Triangular rubble column subjected to sag test
    Triangular rubble column subjected to sag test


    October 7, 2011


    • Rubble house demolition (service provided by ATS)


    Rubble house demolition
    Rubble house demolition
    Rubble house demolition

    October 27, 2011


    • Rubble removed from premises (courtesy ATS)
    Rubble house demolition
    Rubble house demolition
    Rubble house demolition


    Rubble removed from premises
    Rubble removed from premises
    Rubble removed from premises
    Rubble removed from premises
  • The trip to Haiti was considered to be a part of the research and development activities of the Rubble-House Research Project since 2011. The purpose of the trip is three-fold:

    • to make performance assessment of rubble-houses completed since 2010 (there are more than 200 as of now)
    • to conduct a survey to identify the housing needs of the local people and the availability of construction materials in the local market.
    • to identify possible additional sustainable engineering solutions for Haitians who live in economically disadvantaged regions.

    The findings will be used to set future research directions to improve the structural performance of rubble-houses, and identify new construction techniques.

    The trip was a joint effort of 食色视频, and 

     The members of the visiting team were:

    • Dr. Fatih Oncul, Associate Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering
    • Gregory Payne, Civil Engineering student
    • Jeremy Holloman, Program Dir.- Latin America/Caribbean, Conscience Int鈥檒
    • Jacob T. David, Alumnus and Engineering Consultant